6 important tips: GLOW UP HOW TO DO IT

by - março 14, 2023


By Paloma Viricio

The search for quality of life, well-being and beauty has increased a lot. The concern with self-care is one of the most talked about issues, especially among women who want to improve their beauty and health.

If you want to do a complete Glow Up the time is now! No more procrastinating and let's change the reality of life that you are not satisfied with. After all, you always deserve the best, don't you??

That's why I've separated a list of 6 important tips on how to do a total Glow Up. Shall we check?

1. Have a healthier diet

You are what you eat! This is one of the oldest popular sayings in the world. And it is not for nothing. One of the most important steps you can take to transform your appearance is to change your diet.

Drink more water

With the rush of everyday life, people forget to drink water. Hydrating is very important. So set alarms on your cell phone so you can remember to drink water. Drink at least 2 liters a day.

Change your food


There is so much nutritional information available that you must be missing out on the transformations that a healthy diet can bring you.

So, write down some nutrition program in a planner, adapted to your reality, and recipes for healthy meals. Include more vegetables, greens and fruits in your diet. Avoid industrialized!

Do a detox, invest in supplements if necessary.

Make adaptations according to your financial reality to maintain constancy. Take advantage of Sakara Life discount codes to improve your diet.

2. Practice the Law of Attraction


The law of attraction is a very interesting practice for you to attract everything you want into your life. There are several interesting techniques such as creative visualization and the dream board.

Look for more tips on the topic on pinterest and put them into practice now!!

3. Practice some physical activity


Move yourself! Empty clay pot, dry! Just like water, you need to be moving so you don't turn to slime.

Look for some relevant physical activity to do. Choose light options that make you happy to practice.

If you don't have the money to go to a gym, start by doing small exercises at home. Maybe a treadmill will help you start a daily walk and eventually become a runner. Redeem your free WalkingPad coupon.

4. Do the Ho'oponopono


Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian technique for clearing painful and sabotaging memories. These memories may be holding you back from living the best that life has to offer.

Buy a japamala and do 108 repetitions of h'oponopono to clean your subconscious and reprogram with new beliefs of prosperity and joy.

💡 Remember: How you feel on the inside reflects who you appear to be on the outside!

5. Plan your goals


Write what you want!

Don't leave it for tomorrow, or the day after! Your Glow Up starts when you decide to create attitudes of change.

Buy a notebook, agenda or pad where you can take notes, plan your goals. Short, medium and long term goals.

Then reflect on what actions you need to take to fulfill each desire you listed.

6. Invest in hair products


Hair is the frame of the face! And your face is like a business card for people, as it is responsible for the first impression they will have of you.

Invest in your beauty!

Take care of your skin, face, body and hair!

Are you happy with the hair you have? If the answer is no, think about what you can do to improve:

  • Cut
  • Painting
  • Hydration

Extra care is important

If you've already cut, dyed and hydrated your hair and you're still not satisfied, invest in supplements, vitamins to strengthen your strands. 

In this sense, take advantage of the hot Sugar Bear Hair discount codes.

Did you write down the tips? What changes can you start today? Tell me everything in the comments!! Kisses!

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  2. Só atividade maravilhosas. Eu quero fazer também!

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  4. Olá, tudo bem? Blog bilíngue. Chique. Bjs, Fabio www.blogfabiotv.blogspot.com.br

  5. Oi
    Adorei 🙂 hoje em dia é muito importante ter hábitos saudáveis, estou tentando mudar a alimentação e beber mais água...

  6. Good tips, can i add one?
    Be kind <3
    Happiness and kindness, the best glow we can have ;)

  7. Ótimas dicas! Estou tentando incluir exercícios físicos e beber mais água na minha rotina.

  8. Oi, tudo bem? Gostei muito das dicas. Se queremos alcançar algo em nossas vidas é preciso dar pequenos passos. Praticar exercícios, ter uma alimentação saudável faz muita diferença. Um abraço, Érika =^.^=

  9. Oi, tudo bem? Gostei muito das dicas. Se queremos alcançar algo em nossas vidas é preciso dar pequenos passos. Praticar exercícios, ter uma alimentação saudável faz muita diferença. Um abraço, Érika =^.^=

  10. Estou no processo de uma vida mais saudável, confesso que não é fácil, mas quando a gente cai a gente levanta e começa de novo .... Ótimas dicas, vou seguir algumas!

  11. Qualidade de vida é muito importante, gosto de caminhar e andar de bicicleta. Este é o meu exercício, adorei suas dicas.
